<List> provides us a layout to display the page. It does not contain any logic but adds extra functionalities like a create button or giving titles to the page.
We will show what <List> does using properties with examples.
The <List> component reads the resource information from the route by default. If you want to use a custom resource for the <List> component, you can use the resource prop:
import{List}from"@refinedev/antd"; constCustomPage:React.FC=()=>{ return( <Listresource="posts"> <p>Rest of your page here</p> </List> ); };
If you have multiple resources with the same name, you can pass the identifier instead of the name of the resource. It will only be used as the main matching key for the resource, data provider methods will still work with the name of the resource defined in the <Refine/> component.
canCreate allows us to add the create button inside the <List> component. If you want to customize this button you can use createButtonProps property like the code below:
You can use the wrapperProps property if you want to customize the wrapper of the <List/> component. The @refinedev/antd wrapper elements are simply <div/>s and wrapperProps and can get every attribute that <div/> can get.
import{List}from"@refinedev/antd"; constPostList:React.FC=()=>{ return( <List wrapperProps={{ style:{ backgroundColor:"cornflowerblue", padding:"16px", }, }} > <p>Rest of your page here</p> </List> ); };
You can use the contentProps property to customize the content of the <Create/> component. The <List/> components content is wrapped with a <div/> and contentProps can get every attribute that <div/> can get.
import{List}from"@refinedev/antd"; constPostList:React.FC=()=>{ return( <List contentProps={{ style:{ backgroundColor:"cornflowerblue", padding:"16px", }, }} > <p>Rest of your page here</p> </List> ); };
By default, the <List/> component has a <CreateButton> at the header.
You can customize the buttons at the header by using the headerButtons property. It accepts React.ReactNode or a render function ({ defaultButtons, createButtonProps }) => React.ReactNode which you can use to keep the existing buttons and add your own.
If the "create" resource is not defined or if canCreate is false, the <CreateButton> will not render and createButtonPropswill be undefined.
Or, instead of using the defaultButtons, you can create your own buttons. If you want, you can use createButtonProps to utilize the default values of the <CreateButton> component.